OK, so I’m known for being the one who goes around feeding all living things I see. I mean I could spend hours on Youtube just watching videos of porcupines being fed, pigs chomping on bananas, hamsters enjoying slices of carrots, birds pecking oat from someone’s hand.

The noises those animals make! the reactions! their faces! their habits! I find them fascinating, endlessly entertaining.

And today I’ve discovered crabs are partial to pears. I was in my favourite bay, Cala della Roselle; I was about to go into the water, when I saw that in a crack in the rock there was this pretty big crab. I ran to my bag, picked up a pear I had brought for my snack; I bit off a couple of small pieces, and plopped them in the water by the crab.

He (I’ve decided the crab was a he) was non-plussed at first, and ignored my succulent pieces of pear. But a little experience has taught me that more senior crabs tend to be a little stand-offish, and will take a while before trusting to move to catch what they want – the smaller ones will more readily run to the food they’re interested in. So I waited a few minutes, and sure enough he gradually made his way to my pear! I love the way he was biting it, then pinching it with his claws, then at one point it looked like he was hiding a piece underneath some seaweed…

Beautiful creature. With a full tummy now, too! see for yourself as he stuffs his face.

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